Here’s a collection of the some of the latest news from around the internet regarding homeschooling.
House Panel Approves Asylum Bill for Homeschoolers
It’s sad that people from other nations have to deal with persecution for their choice to educate their children at home (see here). We must be thankful to God for what we are permitted to do here in the U.S. and be ever vigilant to insure that our freedoms to do so are not taken away (see here).
See also H.R. 1153 Offers Asylum for Homeschoolers
7 Annoying Questions Homeschoolers Hear
We’ve heard these questions far too many times ourselves. You?
Number of Black Families Homeschooling More Than Doubled in Four Years
While the color of a person’s skin shouldn’t matter at all in this discussion, we like and share this because it is encouraging to see the increase in homeschooling throughout our land.
Homeschooling produces stronger faith when adults
Interesting article, but not surprising. This simply reinforces the Biblical promise found in Proverbs 22:6, which states, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
For further insight into this topic, be sure to read “What Makes Millennials Stay In Church” from World magazine.
This is a nice piece that succinctly and honestly shows the parental desires, motivations, benefits and hardships that go into making the decision to homeschool and the life changes that ensue.
Thanks for visiting our blog. Have a great week!